Governance framework
Upholding the highest standards
in corporate governance

Our governance framework provides strategic guidelines, keeping us on track to achieve our sustainability aspirations. To ensure seamless decision-making and long-term success, our Board of Directors has been entrusted with the responsibility of overseeing regulatory compliance, risk management, corporate social responsibility (CSR), and sustainability while ensuring ethical and transparent business conduct.

Governance framework

Our policies

Health and Safety Policy

Corporate Sustainability Policy

Human Rights Policy

Whistle Blower Policy

Responsible Supply Chain Management Policy

Risk Management Policy

Corporate Environment Policy

Safety Code of Conduct

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

Tata Affirmative Action Policy

Further details on our policies can be accessed here


We prioritise compliance in all aspects of our operations and consider it a crucial element of our business strategy. Ensuring compliance with all relevant laws and regulations we maintain the highest standards of ethical, social, and environmental responsibility.

In FY24, there were no instances of unfair trade practices, irresponsible advertising, anti-competitive behaviour, or corruption involving our employees or business partners. We have not received any complaints related to the rights of indigenous people, child labour, forced labour, freedom of association, collective bargaining, gender, or social discrimination. We comply with health, safety, marketing, and labelling regulations and have no pending show-cause notices from regulatory authorities. Our commitment to compliance has ensured that there have been no significant regulatory fines or sanctions, and all shareholder complaints have been resolved.