How to extend your EV car
battery life: 7 essential tips

A comprehensive guide on how to prolong the battery life of your EV

How to extend your EV car
battery life: 7 essential tips

A comprehensive guide on how to prolong the battery life of your EV


As the green numberplates continue to take over Indian roads, the conversation around EVs intensifies. Great for the environment, low running costs, tax benefits, and independence from petrol and diesel are just few of the many benefits of EV pushing the masses towards this green transport. If you’re a proud EV owner, you know your EV takes care of you. But did you know your EV also needs some care and love? More importantly, did you know your EV car battery is the one that has to be looked after the most.


Why is it important to take care of EV car battery?

Your EV runs on a lithium-ion battery. Generally, this battery can last up to 10 years, they are slated to surpass the convention petrol and diesel cars. But much like your phone that works on a similar lithium-ion battery, your EV too loses some capacity every year. On an average, there is a loss of 2.3% on the EV battery capacity . Let that not deter from you buying an EV. It’s still easier and less expensive to maintain that an ICE vehicle. Read all about it here.  

But how does it matter, you might think. “I can get a new battery”, you might tell yourself. But before you settle on that thought, here’s something to consider—the EV battery costs almost 70% of your vehicle’s cost. This could mean spending lakhs just because you didn’t know how to make EV battery last longer. But before you learn how to improve your EV battery life, here is a snippet on what brings it down.



What affects EV battery capacity?

While regular wear affects batteries of all forms, here are a few things detrimental to overall battery health: 

1.   Full charge and full discharge

While it is instinctual to charge your EV to a full 100%, doing so can actually hamper the capacity of you EV battery in the long term by adding extra stress to the system. Similarly, when you fully discharge your EV, it must put a lot more effort during the recharge. This means aggravated wear of your EV batter. 


2.   Payload and towing

Persistently using your electric vehicle to carry heavy weights or tow other vehicles can not only impact the EV battery, but also reduce range of your green transport.


3.   Temperature variation

Exposure to very high or very low temperature can affect the health of your electric vehicle’s battery. This is because the further away the EV is from its optimal temperature, the more it will have to exert itself to regain the suitable working conditions. To that effect, ensure that you don’t leave your EV out in the sun or snow for too long.


4.   Age

Nothing escapes ageing, not even your faithful EV battery. With time, EV batteries tend to lose capacity. The important thing to note is that capacity decline in an EV battery is usually non-linear; this means that after an initial fall, the battery degradation is more moderate than steep. This means there is a high chance your EV will outlast your neighbor’s diesel car.


How to extend EV battery life: 7 tips to ensure your EV lasts longer

Now that you know what not to do, there’s just one question left to answer—how to improve battery health of your favorite automobile.

1.   Keep your charge between 20 and 80%

As a rule of thumb, never let your EV’s charge dip below 20%. Similarly, when charging, fight the urge to go for a full charge. Charge your car to 80% for minimal strain and extended EV car battery life. This does not mean you leave your EV home for longer road trips—a 100% charge every once in a while is okay as long as you take care at other times. 


2.   Temperature management 

Extreme temperatures are a foe for your car—managing optimal temperature is the key to prolonged battery life. Ideally, keep the battery cool, stop charging if the battery starts to overheat, and regulate charging cycles. Here are a few tips that can help reduce temperature-related strain: 

*   Park your vehicle in the shade whenever possible 

*   If not, cover it with a reflective material so little sunlight reaches in 

*   If you’re about to hit the road on a very hot or cold day, consider preconditioning your vehicle to avoid instantaneous strain.  

 When charging, ensure your EV is parked in a place where there is enough room for ventilation. 


3.   Speeding thrills but kills 

We’re all aware speeding is never the right way to drive. What you probably didn’t know is that while high speed can put your safety at risk, it also impairs battery life. High acceleration and frequent breaking can drain the battery faster, rigorously impacting performance and capacity. So, if you really want to make the most of your journey, drive slow and safe.


4.   Software updates and maintenance

Just like your other devices, your EV also loves to stay up to date. Whenever your vehicle requires a new software update, it wise to comply. Updates might help your EV cope with the surroundings better—higher pollution, extreme temperatures, or differential altitudes might need different settings that usual. Similarly, don’t fret from taking your car for regular maintenance services. This will not only help catch any problems in the bud, but also ensure lasting durability. Remember, a longer EV car battery life is the key to extending your vehicle’s life. 


5.   Storage considerations 

Going off the road for a while? Ensure your EV is packed away properly. Manufacturer guidelines specify the ideal conditions for storing your EV depending on how long you’re keeping it out of use. While storing your EV around 50% battery is safe, it is always the best option to check model-specific instructions. 


6.   Keep your tires in proper shape 

While one might think proper tire maintenance is a given for all vehicles, it is especially important for electric ones. While high tire pressure can create a bumpy experience on the road, low pressure warrants greater tension for your EV battery. So, the next time you’re at the charging station, don’t skip the tire pressure queue because the tires just look okay.  


7.   Monitor battery health

Just like you used to monitor the consumption of fuel on your old petrol car, it is advisable to be on the lookout for the battery health of the EV. While many vehicles come with in-built tools, others have synced apps that allow you to be on guard. This will allow you to gauge battery-related issues in the initial stages, thereby preventing any major disturbances.




Riding the EV wave with Tata Power

Tata Power’s EZ Charge service offers an innovative and reliable solution for EV owners. Built with high-grade, corrosion-resistant materials, our chargers withstand extreme weather conditions like rain, snow, and dust. With over a century of trusted innovation, Tata Power ensures unmatched reliability in the EV charging industry. Our vast network spans over 553 cities, providing easy access to home chargers, public stations, and bus fleet solutions. The EZ Charge card, powered by RFID technology, simplifies the charging process—just tap, set preferences, and go. Charge with confidence and convenience wherever you are. 

If you’re looking for the nearest EZ charge point, or are all set to set one of your own up, we are happy to help.



As the consciousness for green ways of life increases, EVs are quickly becoming the go-to option for many. As per a report, EVs in India could alone account for about 40-50% of the vehicles on the road by 2030. According to VAHAN data, India’s electric two-wheeler market saw a significant rise in sales in the third quarter of FY 2023-24 (Q3 FY 24), marking a 34.42 percent increase compared to the previous quarter (Q2 FY 24). This growth trend is also evident in the current fiscal year, with 76,301 units sold in Q4 FY 24. With all eyes set on the Indian EV market, 2025 might be the year for your big plunge. Still on the edge? this might be the push you need—everything EV

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