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Leading from the heart
Since our inception, we have prioritized socio-economic development, inclusion, and education. This unwavering dedication fuels our efforts to create sustainable livelihoods, paving the way for a brighter future for all
Weaving a tapestry of transformation, one story at a time. The key interventions for target communities are focused on the following thematic areas
Fostering conservation champions, enhancing STEM education, and promoting inclusivity, Tata Power raises awareness about learning disabilities through partnerships with local institutions and community groups
Providing vocational training and skill development to farmers, women's groups, youth, and marginalized communities to enhance their employability and create sustainable livelihoods
Supporting women's self-help groups and farmers with skills training, leadership development, and market linkages to promote financial independence and sustainable business practices
Implementing need-based initiatives such as mobile medical units, potable drinking water, health and wellness awareness, and local infrastructure improvements to enhance the quality of life for communities
Mobile Medical Units (MMUs)
Providing accessible healthcare services to underserved communities through mobile medical units
Water filtration units
Ensuring access to clean drinking water in community institutions like schools and public centers
Health & wellness awareness
Promoting healthy habits and preventive healthcare through awareness sessions and infrastructure support
Encouraging community engagement and well-being through sports initiatives that promote physical health and social cohesion
Stakeholder engagement
Enhancing community infrastructure by repairing and renovating public utilities, ponds, and checking dams
Nurturing safety and inclusion
Safety and rights are our unwavering promise. We enforce zero tolerance for child labor, bonded labor, and workplace harassment. Our world-class health and safety standards protect our employees at workplace
Celebrating acts of change
Transforming lives
Roshni is empowering youth through vocational training, opening pathways in the green job sector and entrepreneurship
Club Enerji is encouraging energy conservation among students, turning them into energy ambassadors for their communities
Pay Autention is enhancing educational opportunities for underserved children, bridging the educational gap
Contact Us
Contact information
Toll free helpline
Corporate Indentity No. (CIN)
CIN L28920MH1919PLC000567
Registered address
Bombay House
24, Homi Mody Street
Mumbai - 400 001,
Maharashtra, India
Email address
Corporate communication
Tata Power Company Limited
Corporate Center B, 34 Sant Tukaram Road,
Carnac Bunder, Mumbai 400 009,
Maharashtra, India
Authority under IEPF
Nodal Officer/ Deputy Nodal Officer
Name: Mr. Vispi S. Patel/Ms. Krupa Sutaria
Email ID: iepf@tatapower.com
Tel: 022 6665 8282