Building a world where rights thrive and every voice is amplified

Tata Power is dedicated to maintaining high human rights standards throughout our value chain. We champion the well-being, dignity, and rights of all stakeholders, enforced by a zero-tolerance policy. Our stringent measures prevent child and bonded labor, and we have robust policies against workplace harassment and discrimination. Our human rights policy aligns with the ILO (International Labour Organisation) and UNGC (United Nations Global Compact) principles and is supported by a framework based on the UN Guiding Principles Reporting Framework

Human rights commitment framework

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Ensure well-being and dignity of all stakeholders

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Promote a culture of respect and support for human rights

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Prevent involvement in human rights abuses

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Adhere to ILO and UNGC principles

Protect against discrimination

Uphold freedom of association and collective bargaining rights

Align employee conduct with human rights standards

Human rights commitment framework

Icon 1

Ensure well-being and dignity of all stakeholders

Icon 2

Promote a culture of respect and support for human rights

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Prevent involvement in human rights abuses

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Adhere to ILO and UNGC principles

Protect against discrimination

Uphold freedom of association and collective bargaining rights

Align employee conduct with human rights standards

Enhancing human rights standards

Due diligence benchmarks

Our dedication to human rights is embedded in every aspect of our operations, ensuring ethical practices and protection of all stakeholders


Key objectives

Our due diligence aims to: 

  • Identify and address human rights risks
  • Promote continuous improvement in social performance
  • Foster meaningful stakeholder engagement on human rights issues


Our approach includes: 

  • Conducting comprehensive 360-degree analyses
  • Aligning with global social compliance standards
  • Sensitizing our workforce on human rights
  • Ensuring meaningful engagement with all stakeholders
42% capex on renewables FY25 to 27