Afforestation drive

A campaign to plant trees, restore forests, and make the world greener and better for the coming generations

Afforestation drive

A campaign to plant trees, restore forests, and make the world greener and better for the coming generations



We have partnered with Maharashtra's forest department since 1979 to minimize the impact of soil erosion caused by rising human and cattle populations. This drive also promotes sustainable plantation practices among the masses. This process is necessary to support the biological diversity in the eco-forest system and in turn restore the habitat for selected fauna.




Going green is our code for a better tomorrow


To conserve the forest, we have been organizing educational awareness programs among children with the support of Bharati Vidyapeeth. Bamboo pots are used inside plastic bags for sapling plantations. Through this effort Tata Power aims to make the area green and picturesque, with the hope that this will attract several species of animals, birds and butterflies, thus ensuring that the Western Ghats continue to be known as a biodiversity hotspot across the globe.


As part of its efforts on afforestation, Tata Power has initiated development of nurseries for indigenous and endemic forest species, medicinal plants and giant creepers, gifting grafted mango plants to villagers, plantation in continuous trenches for conservation of water and reducing siltation. It has also taken up awareness drives about prevention of forest fires, teacher's training workshops in environment education environment education in schools, and organising environment fairs.


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