Materiality assessment

Making a positive impact in turning our sustainability goals into reality

Materiality assessment

Making a positive impact in turning our sustainability goals into reality



Our materiality assessment represents an opportunity to understand material topics relevant to our stakeholders and our business operations, in addition to providing insight on how we create value in the environment, social, and governance (ESG) landscape. In FY23, in our effort to create a holistic framework to engage with our expansive ecosystem of stakeholders, we designed an exhaustive and comprehensive materiality assessment. Through this assessment, we have derived 25 material topics critical to our value creation agenda.



Our materiality determination process


Identification of material topics


Identifying material issues among industry peers based on national and international frameworks and standards


Identification of internal and external stakeholders


Develop a universe of material topics


Develop a materiality assessment questionnaire for finalized topics


Finalize the questionnaire and float it to stakeholders



Prioritization of material topics


Receive and map business objectives and risks


Data analysis for materiality assessment



Review of material topics


Draft a materiality matrix for management discussions, review, and approval



Validation of material topics


The materiality matrix is further validated by Tata Power’s senior management


Finalization of the materiality matrix




Materiality matrix




In our effort to adopt benchmark standards in corporate governance, Tata Power follows a materiality matrix, which is designed based on feedback and inference from an exhaustive online materiality survey with stakeholders





Climate strategy


Emissions management


Energy management


Continuous and affordable green power


Safeguarding biodiversity


Hazardous and toxic waste management


Water and effluent management



Social impact


Diversity and inclusion in the workplace


Socially responsible employer


Employee retention, engagement, and talent development


Occupational health and safety


Labour management


Human rights


Customer relationship management


Building sustainable communities


Responsible supply chain





Creating economic value


ESG Governance


Risk management and BCDMP (Business continuity and disaster management plan)


Ethical business conduct


Transparency and accountability


Digitalization and cybersecurity


Regulatory compliance and landscape


New business opportunities


Innovation and collaborations



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