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Badge of honor
India Smart Grid Foundation (ISGF) Innovation Awards 2022
Grade 1 ESCO, accredited by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE)
Open access
Gain access to the power you need from the source you want it from. From a state-of-the-art 24x7 control room to a hassle-free trading portal, enjoy the open access solutions of India’s 1st power purchase licensee holder
Open access
Gain access to the power you need from the source you want it from. From a state-of-the-art 24x7 control room to a hassle-free trading portal, enjoy the open access solutions of India’s 1st power purchase licensee holder
Trading on multiple platforms helps us bring to you a range of reliable, affordable, and flexible offerings based on your needs
Collective - IEX (Indian Energy Exchange) | PXIL (Power Exchange India Limited) | HPX (Hindustan Power Exchange)
Captive/GCPP - Assisting with setting up power generation plants in Power Generation Plant Set Up | Behind the Meter Generation Set U
Collective - IEX (Indian Energy Exchange) | PXIL (Power Exchange India Limited) | HPX (Hindustan Power Exchange)
Captive/GCPP - Assisting with setting up power generation plants in Power Generation Plant Set Up | Behind the Meter Generation Set U
From securing approvals to final settlements, our reliable and transparent services are designed to guide consumers through
every stage of the power trading process
With exchange-based power trading, captive supply arrangement, and energy banking, our procurement solutions
can power your business and cut electricity costs
The price you want
Purchase energy from us at a lower cost than the local distribution company
The power of choice
Get your preferred supplier and customization of energy mix as per needs
The energy you can bank on
Access to stable and reliable power supply to avoid power outages/blackouts
The assurance you seek
Long-term contract with generators and traders to reduce risks of volatile prices
Green energy
Our round-the-clock green power solutions allow businesses to purchase renewable energy and certifications with ease, helping them take a significant step towards sustainability
Green energy
Our round-the-clock green power solutions allow businesses to purchase renewable energy and certifications with ease, helping them take a significant step towards sustainability
We’re making green energy more accessible to businesses to continue our charge towards a cleaner, greener tomorrow
Cost-effective stability - Competitive prices to save costs and counteract the rising prices of conventional energy
Compliance and sustainability goals - RE and energy saving certificates to help meet sustainability targets and compliances
Cost-effective stability - Competitive prices to save costs and counteract the rising prices of conventional energy
Compliance and sustainability goals - RE and energy saving certificates to help meet sustainability targets and compliances
Green DAM
(Day Ahead Market) Buy or sell renewable energy on a day-ahead basis (Solar, non-solar, hydro)
Green TAM
(Term Ahead Market) Manage price and schedule risks for renewable energy (solar, non-solar) for up to 11 days. Including intraday, day-ahead, daily, weekly
Our power trading wing also works towards helping your business reach its sustainability goals with green energy certifications along with a consultancy team
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